Hi, my name is Martin Rünz and I am Lead Research Scientist at Synthesia, building 3D representations for photo-realistic avatars. The purpose of this page is to present some of my research and to blog about things that interest me.

Previously I received my PhD in Computer Science from University College London, where I focused on computer vision and especially on object-aware tracking and mapping methods. My PhD stipend was funded by the SecondHands project within the scope of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. Further, I interned and contracted for Facebook Reality Labs while working towards my PhD.

I received my bachelor’s as well as master’s degree from the University of Koblenz, where I engaged in computer graphics, computer vision and also art related topics. During these studies, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), I also visited the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Georgia, concentrating on robotics and machine learning.